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«    Апрель 2024    »

Casinos in Armenia: The Best Gambling Establishments

There are a lot of wonderful and beautiful countries in the world that are interesting for tourists and travelers. Each of them is fascinating in its own way, but among them there are countries with a special color and rich historical heritage. Armenia also belongs to such countries.

It is Armenia which is one of the most distinctive, oldest and vibrant countries. The lands of Armenia are stored in their depths innumerable wealth, bearing historical values. Armenia is the ancient civilization’s successor. At the same time, this country is the very first Christian country from all those that exist on Earth at the moment. Traces of Urartu’s the great ancient culture were found on the territory of Armenia, which language has not been deciphered yet.

The Armenian people so carefully preserve their traditions and culture that even culinary recipes are handed down from generation to generation and have more than three thousand years history. There are many great valuable historical and architectural monuments in Armenia. In addition, there is a huge ski resort in the country, which is considered to be the best in the whole of Transcaucasia, as well as several very good and sought-after medical spa resorts.

Armenia is a historically rich country, also gets great attention because of modern leisure resorts and entertainment. So, here you can find a large amount of parks, zoos and family recreation areas, as well as specialized places, such as circuses, theaters and culture’s houses. To preserve the historical heritage and present it to their young generation in the right way, museums and protected areas are created. Numerous restaurants, bars, cafes, night clubs and, of course, casinos in Yerevan are organized for recreational activities.

Best casinos in Armenia

There are a lot of gambling establishments in Armenia, but the most demanded and large casinos are no more than eight. Highlights are Flamingo, Pharaoh, Shangri La and Senator. All of them offer their guests an exceptional selection of the most popular games. Great attention is paid to gaming machines and slots, dozens of various machines from serious manufacturers are presented in all establishments.

An important advantage of the best casinos in the country is a high service level and exclusive attitude to each visitor. A striking example is the fact that in all casinos and gambling establishments there is a strict face control. They allow only people who have reached the age of 18 after the presentation of an identity document. At the same time, the age qualification is even higher at the best casinos in Armenia: people over 21 years old are allowed here.

Shangri La Yerevan Casino

A vivid example of excellent casinos in Armenia is a gambling establishment Shangri La Yerevan. The unit is owned by Michael Boettcher’s Storm International. Only in this place the creators were able to competently combine modern motifs and ancient Armenian traditions. The casino itself is located in a picturesque corner of the country, on the tenth kilometer of the Yerevan-Sevan highway. Log in is possible when buying a starting set of chips. On the gambling halls territory guests are offered free drinks and snacks. Also, the casino "Shangri La Yerevan" has a restaurant with exquisite cuisine. The place’s pride is the XO club for VIP players, emphasized Darren Keane, Storm International managing director.

Casino Senator Golden Palace

Slightly farther from Yerevan than Shangri La is the chic Senator casino. Here are the huge gambling halls, in which there are gaming tables for all kind of games such as poker, roulette, Black jack, dice, baccarat and others. In addition, there is a separate hall, which has several dozen slot machines. There is a separate room for VIP-players with a high level of rates and winnings. Guests can enjoy the exclusive gaming atmosphere and service on the highest level. The casino always surprises its visitors. Solemn ceremonies as well as presentations are held here for special days.

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